Hey gang, to keep you updated with a quick QC report and something important that willconcern mainly the Moloko owners.
The very vast majority of units we have quality controlled so far are A-stock with no reason for concern. We are very satisfied with the quality of the finish and the overall CNC work. There are still some important things to speak about:
- During the shipping there was some damage to copper plates that were too heavy andthe manufacturer did not pack properly and got bent during the transit.
- We are still missing some of the extra badges and copper badges, currently we are
waiting for the manufacturer to forward them to us.
Both plates and the badge sets will be shipped to respective buyers at a later point. Don't worry if the unit you receive is missing the extra badges or plates - we are on it.
- We are in a somewhat ambiguous situation with Moloko units. While the finish is great, the e-coat creme Moloko tone doesn't match the color of the prototype we matched in 2022 as well as we hoped. It's still a milky cream color but it came out slightly more neutral and less warm. The manufacturer thought it was fine and promised that it's exactly the same colour as the prototype. This is unfortunately not the case and became apparent to us since the tops are not matching the Keebstuff Moloko cables well. We failed to catch it during the production, since the slight colour variance became only apparent when we saw the units in person. While variance in e-coat and anodisation color accuracy is common, and I personally find the more neutral creme a really nice color, it's not up to the quality standards we set for werk.technica to ship out units with a coating that might not be in line with what you expect.We don't want a rama soya situation or another nautilus for werk.technica buyers. We stand by our obligation to stay transparent with you, our buyers who make this beautiful madness possible.
Here are a few pics of the current top:

This is why we are currently reproducing around 100 Moloko tops. Those will be ready to ship to us in September. The Moloko unit fulfillment is on hold, but since we are very well aware that many of you don't want to wait any longer we have two options for Moloko owners:
1. If you no longer want to wait and are fine with a slightly more neutral milky creme tone, kindly shoot us a quick Email to moloko.support@werktechnica.com and your order will be put back on the fulfillment. You will be eligible to purchase a second warmer Moloko top later down the line significantly far below the manufacturing cost (less than 100 usd).
2. If you are ok with waiting for a warmer Moloko top: You still will be eligible to purchase a second more neutral Moloko top later down the line at a high discount if you want to mix your Moloko game up with a more neutral milky top.
To give you an ETA, we expect the warmer creme tops to ship to us in September and arrive in October/ November
The remaining tops will be up for sale at a later point which might be interesting for the owners of other editions. The tolerance of e-coated tops is less conservative than anodized aluminum and polycarbonate tops, so they should be interchangeable.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes and hope the solution we could provide is at least somewhat to your satisfaction. We feel we owe it to our customers to follow the quality standards we set for ourselves.
Next week we plan to send out the first truly large batch of Werk One boards, keep an eye for shipping notifications!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Zaum out